Still waiting on our travel authorization. We're hoping to find out when we travel by the end of the month. We've got our fingers crossed for the end of December!
My incompetence about being a parent is growing ever more apparent. Here is my big list-o-confusions:
1. I was at the grocery store a while ago and had a freak out because I saw baby oil on the shelf. What is baby oil for? Do I need to buy some? If I do buy some, what do I do with it? Gene had a pretty good laugh at my expense, and then helped me look up what it's for on the internet. Apparently it's for dry skin and I think you kinda use it like lotion.
2. Another conundrum I encountered was why do they not make top sheets for cribs? Are babies so much less civilized than us that they refuse to use them? Are you just supposed to use blankets instead? The only answer I could come up with (yes, the internet again) was that they can be a suffocating hazard which I guess makes sense, but wouldn't blankets cause the same problem? Or is the real issue that babies are never cold when they sleep? I still don't think I've truly grasped the answer to this dilemma.
3. On to what baby clothes to bring to many outfits will she go through in a day? What sizes should I bring? Does she always need to wear a onesy under everything? Are tights mandatory? If she's not walking, does she still need shoes? What if she doesn't like my color palette? What if she doesn't like my style choices? (The good news is that China does have stores!)
4. I have as yet not been able to purchase a bottle for Esther. It's not that I haven't tried about a million times, but have you seen the selection out there? How do I know what nipples she'll like? I can buy the "Drop In System" bottle or the crooked bottle, or the plain standard plastic one. What if the one I buy causes her to get too much air? When I get to the store I just stare until my eyes glaze over and then walk away mumbling to myself.
I know all this stuff will work itself out eventually, mostly with trial and error (hopefully Esther is a very patient baby), it's just that it all gets a little overwhelming at times. Luckly I have my laid back husband to keep me grounded.
A look back at 2015
9 years ago
I am thinking anyone so concerned should make a great Mom! I heard from a BTDT Mom that we shouldn't bring too many clothes to China for the baby, because there are many adorable super inexpensive outfits available in China. I also heard that the Playtex Bottles with liners were good because you will be cleaning them out in the Hotel rooms. Best of Luck! I can't wait to be in your shoes! We are LID 10/28/05
Hi there- I just adopted #4 & #5 from Taiwan last month. They were 10.5 months when we went to get them.
I thought maybe I could help a little; baby oil will be a good bet for you in the very cold China winter, and at home if you live somewhere dry. I mix some with lotion, and apply it to my three little ones, immediately following a bath. They stay very moisturized this way.. but before I started doing it, they were really dry skinned. You definately should bring some, and plenty of lotion, too, when you go.
Re; bottles. The playtex ones are a PITA, you still have to wash them, all the bags do is add an extra step.. I recently bought some called "soothies" at Target (also at Babies R Us) they have a wide neck, so they're easy to clean. Chinese babies are used to fast flow nipples, so you'll want to enlarge the hole with a cross-cut, or your daughter (who is very cute, BTW) will get irritated with you.
You might want to buy a "sleep sack", as it is much more effective than blankets on cold nights. Most children are very restless sleepers, and don't stay covered. Sheets, as they are thin, would represent a strangulation hazzard. Blankets have more give, and they're thicker, so they don't provide much risk.
Plan on two outfits per day.. plus jammies... but you don;t need to bring 30 outfits! Laundry is cheap enough there, and you *can* (and will probably want to) go shopping. I would bring onsies, yes, because they're good for keeping tummys warm. Tights are important if you bring dresses, but otherwise, only for warmth (I don't know the temps you'll encounter)
Sizes: Count on them having greatly exaggerated her size. They weigh the kids dressed in 5 layers! My guess is 9 month size will be a good fit. I'd bring a few 6 month things and a few 12 monthers too. My girls were 15 and 16 lbs and 26 inches tall. Six month stuff is big on them, but they're twins.
Buy shoes there. But bring one pair, so you have something for her feet while you shop. Target makes cute fuzy booties that stay on well.
Bring a hat that ties under the chin, and every conceivable type of medication you can get. Buy knee socks if you can find them.
Lastly, don't be surprised if you don;t have a fairy tale meeting. Our transition here was VERY rough for the first 6 weeks. I wish someone had told me it might not be the dream I envisioned, but rather an emotional nightmare at times. I thought I was an awfully mommy, but now, after talking to others, I know I'm normal. Be kind to yourself and now that it'll all be fine in due time.
Wishing you the best!!
Congrats on your referral! I know you must be on pins and needles waiting to find out when you travel. We took 3 different bottles with different nipples (they do make "fast flow" nipples which have a larger hole). We did the drop in liners and I didn't find them to be too messy. I took some pre-soaped palmolive cloths and was able to wash out bottles, bowls and spoons every night.
The fleece pajama sleepers are really nice + warm. You may even want to take a pair of cotton ones without the feet (our older daughter was hot at night). For clothes, we took tops + pants to mix and match. I picked items that could be rolled up if needed. Laundry is easy to send out and that will make less to pack - and give your room for your purchases as well. Best of luck!!!
one more question for the peeps at home...when does one introduce the whole concept of a pillow? That's the one I've been struggling with for the past few days...just because i'm odd, and a boy...who loves his pillow. And don't worry babe...we'll figure it out somehow..i think...if not, we can always call your sister or my mom, giggle.
From one Guangix mom to a soon-to be-mommy, don't worry you will be fine. Here is a little BTDT (June 06)advice for what it is worth.
Get the Johnson's baby oil gel. All the girls in Nanning on our trip had VERY dry skin and on the recomendation of another family that had just gotten home from Nanning whe took the baby oil in gel form. You really don't need to take more that a couple of outfits for the baby, you will shop because at times there is nothing else to do :-)
Our guide was named Michael and he works with many US agencies and he is wonderful. Most families stay at the Majestic Hotel in Nanning and there is a Wal-mart within walking distance - plus the hotel has got a great and inexpensive gift shop that is set up for adoptive parents. I didn't take any bottles, as I didn't know what type she would like and only 6 diapers as I was not sure on what size to take. I had no trouble cleaning the ones I did buy, and they are the bottles my little LiLi still prefers to use today. I had all the fancy expensive Advent bottles waiting for her when we got home and she doesn't like them.
We went carry-on-only and if you want to see what we took, visit our blog and then link over to our adoption blog.
Best of Luck :-)
One other thing - all the girls on our floor were very close to what their paperwork had said. I took LiLi(16-months at Forever Family day) 12 month and 18 month clothes. The 12 month clothes were too small. The 18- month clothes were big :-) I took 3 dresses and a pair of pj's - same as for us- we each took 3 outfits and 2 pj's. The laundary at the Majestic is good and our guide had a person who did laundry for his families and it was 1/2 of what the Majestic charged. We paid less that $5 a day for the entire family to get our clothes cleaned.
I came across your blog for the first time this morning and had to comment to say you have the most beautiful little girl EVER!!
You guys will do just fine once she's in your arms!!
Dawn (BC Canada)
LID 04/05/06
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