Friday, September 21, 2007

Have I mentioned we started using time-outs...

and I don't mean for myself, though those come in handy, too. Our expert climber has discovered new and uncharted territory. I had moved my pens and permanent markers up out of Esther reach...or so I thought. Oh, the joy of having a toddler!
When I was little, I always wanted the grocery store set-up, you know: fake food, grocery basket, cash register with fake money. So we had to buy Esther two out of three of those. OK, maybe not had to, but really, really wanted to. Here she is rolling her baby around in the basket with her yummy plastic food:

Does this bode well for the future?

It's a non-working phone, but still....


Ladyblog said...

oh boy, are you in trouble! :-)

Ladyblog said...

I just want to say that I have followed your blog forever and had NO idea that I had pictures of your little girl! I posted on the Guiping Yahoo group...

Unknown said...

she's taking after her cousin halie - wait tell she text messaging!