We spent Thanksgiving with my dad and Suzi. One of my parents' birthdays usually falls on Thanksgiving...this year it was my dad's. Esther made herself at home, getting into as many cabinets as possible. That night she was awake from 3:30 am to 7:30 am, so that meant Gene and I were awake, too. Fun!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Posted by Unknown at 6:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
okay, Joe, this one's for you....
okay Joe, here's the vider....along with her being awesome....and she is teh awesome, let me tell you. Every day is more awesomer than the last...and that is good English...just deal. Anyhoo, let me just tell you, Esther is the coolest. She does the cutes peekaboo, and her kisses are heart melting. And her farts smell of elderberries...yes, mom, i said fart...you should try it sometime...it's liberating. anyway...this is Gene, if you couldn't tell. enjoy the video, and feel free to comment...but only sweet, good comments, cuz if i see any bad comments, then I'll cry and nobody wants that. Trust me. have fun.
Posted by geenpool at 10:25 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Happy National Adoption Day!
I can't believe tomorrow Esther will have been with us 11 months! It doesn't seem that long, and yet it seems she's always been a part of our life. Only one more month until our one year "Esther Day" anniversary.
She's picking up and trying new words all the time now. Gene and I are understanding her more and more, though most of the time we have no idea what she's trying to tell us. When she signs now, she says the word with the sign. At night before she goes to sleep we hear her practicing her words. So cute!
Posted by Unknown at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Lazy Saturday...
Posted by Unknown at 6:21 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Today is an important day to me...
Esther has been home with Gene and I one day longer than she was in the orphanage. Hopefully our influence is greater felt.
And to top it off, she turned 21 months old...only three months until she's 2 years old!!!
Her new words are "lellow" for yellow and "cookie" (umm, how would she know this word?). I tested her to see if she really knew what color yellow was...and she does. Not sure if it's her favorite color or not, though.
Posted by Unknown at 10:24 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 03, 2007
A year ago today...
we saw a picture of our daughter for the very first time. I felt right away that this was indeed my daughter. All the time we had waited was worth it for this little girl. I would have waited longer if I had to.
Posted by Unknown at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Hope your Halloween was "goblins" of fun.
(sorry, I could have used "spooktacular")
Posted by Unknown at 12:20 PM 1 comments