Esther's artful arranging of bungee cords on her dresser.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fun with Family...and other goings on.
Posted by Unknown at 12:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bungee cords, condo-hunting, and of course Father's Day!
I've fallen in love with bungee cords. They are not very attractive but boy are the functional. They've come in handy so many ways. Exhibit A: as a halter for a drum.
Posted by Unknown at 12:33 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 09, 2008
"I LOVE YOU!!! Just in case you didn't know."
Posted by Unknown at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 01, 2008
All about rashes...
Memorial Day weekend was very sunny so I slathered up Esther with sunscreen (hypo-allergenic, paba-free, SPF 50) and we headed out for some fun. Monday morning we noticed a rash on her face and then that night it was all over her arms and legs. We were pretty sure it was due to the sunscreen and our pediatrician agreed. I was trying to be a responsible mother and protect my little one from the sun but it backfired. So we'll have to try a lower SPF, different brand and only apply it in one little spot to make sure she doesn't breakout again. She's pretty itchy, so we've been giving her Claritin for kids, and using benadryl cream on her, which seems to help. She looks like she's contracted some horrible disease. Her once beautiful soft skin is now red and bumpy.
That same weekend, we headed to the zoo (with E completely covered up even though it was fairly warm out). Esther enjoyed all the animals and since there wasn't very many people out for some reason, I really enjoyed myself, too.
(These pictures are all out of order...oops!) Dad and E scoping out some zebras in the distance.
Posted by Unknown at 6:52 PM 3 comments