We are officially out of our old apartment and settling into our new place. This past week and a half has been very busy: finishing packing, moving, cleaning, and beginning unpacking. I've always hated cleaning the place we move out of; I'm so done with the place, but have to make sure it is in tiptop shape to get our deposit back. This move was especially hard because Esther had a rough time with all the turmoil. When we were at our empty apartment, she so wanted it full of the stuff she knew. She broke down for about an hour and grieved. All I could do was hold her and tell her that all our stuff was at the condo and Mommy & Daddy would always be with her. She finally seemed to accept the change and has been fine ever since. Daddy and Esther playing with the camera.
A look back at 2015
9 years ago
What an utterly fantastic dining room table! You guys are styling!!
Glad the blogs back - I've been going through withdrawals.
Love you, Mom (Marilyn)
Congratulations on the purchase of your first home... That is great!! I remember our fist home and it was so nice to have place to call home that was our own.
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