This past week has been a tough one. Apparently Esther is trying to make me a morning person by waking up at 5:30am the last 4 of 5 days (actually one morning it was 4:30). Some of those mornings I was able to convince her it was way too early and she would go back to sleep. But it didn't work on the other days...and mommy was not a happy camper. I love sleep...understatement. I don't do well without it, so you can imagine the fun E and I have had the last few days. My patience is pretty worn, but I'm hanging in there. The one day E slept in until 9am, I woke up at 7:30 and couldn't go back to sleep...ugh!! To top it off, Gene has been super busy with work because they're finishing up their game. So I'm on my own. I admire all the single parents out there. I've only had a taste of it, and only have to handle it for about one more week, but I'm feeling the pain.
And then to add insult to injury, our cats have fleas!! Which would be annoying all by itself, but they love, love, love Esther's tasty skin. Poor darling has bites all over her that itch like crazy. I've been doing everything I can think of: vacuuming frequently, flea-combing the cats, washing bedding, using Frontline on the kitties, putting flea powder under the couch. It feels like a never-ending battle. I've heard that fleas don't like lavender, so next time I'm in Sequim I think I'll buy a bushel and spread it around the house. I've also heard that if you steep lemons overnight, it works good as a body wash to keep fleas away. I haven't tried this yet, but will give a go soon. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to any and all at this point. Esther was being all cute with Sydney, covering him with her blankie. I thought "How sweet", until I realized she was sitting on him and he couldn't escape!
A look back at 2015
9 years ago
what i did for fleas, was buy those electronic insect repellents that you plug into outlets. those seemed to work well for me (and they keep away spiders). say hi to ester & give her big smooches!
love ya, heidi
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