Ugh...we're trying to stay cool but we haven't been too successful. Esther loves to be naked so this weather gives her a good excuse. I'll try to refrain from making this whole post about how much I do not like heat. But before I, I decided I had better tackle the growing mountain of dishes that I have avoided doing as long as I could, hoping it would cool down. But having no dishes in the cupboards warranted my sacrifice. So I pointed the most powerful fan we have directly on myself and got to work. Feeling satisfied and extremely sweaty, I was excited at the prospect of lounging in front of said fan and cooling off. That's when the power went out. No fan or any breeze to be had. I felt like shouting, "Serenity now!" but Esther wouldn't have gotten my reference. I figure Kenmore must have blown a transformer trying to stay cool with all its fans and air conditioners. After two hours the power came back on and it is cooling off.
OK, I'm done complaining (but you can probably hear the grumbling going on inside my head!). I am thankful that our condo is a ground floor unit that doesn't get much direct sunlight. I am also grateful to be out of the convection oven of an apartment we used to live in, that had skylights and lots of direct sun. I am beyond thrilled that our complex has a pool (see photos below). On a not so small side note, yesterday Gene and I celebrated our 15 year anniver-sary! Go us! It's so fun to be married to my best friend. God has definitely blessed me with a wonderful husband, and Esther with a crazy-good father.
A look back at 2015
9 years ago
Happy Anniversary! I hope it cools off for you there soon. At least over here everyone has AC.
Hi Everyone...
Hoping for working fans and cooler weather as August progresses! Loved the pics of Esther swimming and running around the backyard in her skivvies and socks and tennis shoes. Oh Esther, you make me smile every time I look at your website! So wish we could plan a reunion; we loved seeing Dixons and Greers last weekend, and we all said...."WE MUST GET THE GROUP TOGETHER!"
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