So what's with the snow? (Notice Esther slightly droopy eyelid? She gets that when she's tired. The funny thing is, so does her dad. And I think it's even the same eye.)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Isn't it almost April?
Posted by Unknown at 12:08 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!
We had some nice visits with family this weekend. On Saturday, Gene's parents came over and played with Esther. Look at the cute dress Nana made for E! Isn't it so sweet!!
Posted by Unknown at 12:23 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Getting ready for Easter with Esther
Esther has figured out if she sticks her fingers in her ear sounds aren't as clear. Pretty soon she'll probably use this to avoid listening to Mom.
Creepy critter I found stocking me while I was cooking dinner. I don't know exactly what it's supposed to be except that it's from the Spiderwick movie. I always find Esther toys in very strange places; Elmo lurking under my side of the bed, mr. penguin looking out from the chair slats, a marker in the dirty clothes, a Wedgit laying in wait amongst my flowers pots.
Posted by Unknown at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
After several days of drizzle and clouds, this afternoon the sun showed itself for a few fleeting moments. So Esther took advantage by playing on our deck. Apparently oven mitts make good hand-warmers.
Now she's "hiding" behind the screen door.
Posted by Unknown at 10:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Stuff and things...
Esther continues to get braver and braver around Sydney. She is still weary of him but, as you can see, he will allow her to place toys on long as they are light-weight.
Posted by Unknown at 9:26 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 03, 2008
Eating and playing...what more can you ask for.
We let Esther feed herself
...and as you can see, it's a messy enterprise. Independ-
ence can be messy at times. I sometimes resort to stripping her down to just her diaper so I won't have to wash yet another outfit. I've also started putting newspaper under her highchair to try to save the carpet. She's trying to share her "mmm goodie" yogurt but Mommy was having none of it.
Esther's playing has definitely gotten more involved lately. She still does a lot of exploring and satisfying curiosity. But she also gets really involved in pretend play now, too. I love watching her. Although her vocabulary is expanding like crazy, most of the time when she's playing she's in her own little world and I can't understand much of what she's saying. (Check out the video below if you want to glimpse some E play time. Warning: it's five minutes long...but like I said I love watching her, so deal.)
Posted by Unknown at 8:52 PM 3 comments