We're hoping everyone has enjoyed their Christmas.
Esther has been enjoying her new toys all day.Here's a few pictures from her new digital camera that she took. The flash is really bright and the pictures are grainy, but it's made for a toddler's "delicate" touch. Here's a picture of her forehead and hair, upside down (or as E would say, "upslide down").
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all!
Posted by Unknown at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
We officially had the first pee pee in the potty.
Care to do the "pee pee in the potty" dance with me? It seems like forever since we've waited for this moment and after sitting on the throne for about hour and a half (and bribing E with an icecream cone) she finally went! She wasn't even scared at all. Happy day!!
Posted by Unknown at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Join me on a trip down memory lane...
...I'll try not to cry on you. I can't believe it's already been two years since we became a family of three, and yet it seems we've always been together. Esther has blessed our lives in so many ways and we can't imagine our life without her.Our first meeting on Dec. 18, 2006. Wow, looking at this picture brings back all those emotions I was feeling at the same time: Immense gratitude, utter fear, complete relief, and of course immeasurable joy.
Posted by Unknown at 8:59 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wow, a grown-ups night out...
with the Loose Cannon crew for their Christmas party. We went to the Teatro Zinzanni for a dinner show. It was truly bizarre and truly fun! (Is it weird that I have a crush on Chef Caesar?) Thanks to Gene's parents for watching Esther. Of course, she had a blast, too. The grandparents brought an early Christmas present..."Wall-E," (for those that don't know, it's an animated movie about a robot). The next day, we had to watch "Wall-E" twice. So pretty much our condo is all robots, all the time.Look what I found in the dryer!
Apparently E was going out to do some errands. Check out her new Wall-E shirt (from Nana and Papa).
Posted by Unknown at 6:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Warning: this blog post reveals what your Christmas present will be. Read at your own risk.
December just keeps rolling along...at a very steady pace. Esther is more into it this year, but still doesn't understand all that it means yet. She likes our tree, but seemed confused when we put it inside our house. She doesn't appreciate Christmas carols as much as me, but then again neither does her dad. She likes our nativity but doesn't understand the significance. And it's "Baby Deedee", not Jesus. She enjoys taking off the ornaments that she can reach (all unbreakable).Drawing in her Christmas coloring book with all the pencils at once. She hasn't been into coloring lately but one of these pictures was a robot...so of course she was interested.
Posted by Unknown at 7:01 PM 4 comments