Some of you know that Esther is a late riser, like her dad and mom. Usually E doesn't wake up until 9:30 (or later). This morning we were woken up bright and early at 8 am to our building's fire alarm. That sure is an exciting way to wake up! We had to stand outside for only a few minutes before the fire department told us it was a false alarm. Welcome 2009!
So far 2009 has already brought us a few changes. Today, without going into too much detail, Esther had a break-through experience with the potty. And tonight, she is sleeping in her big girl bed (which just means her crib has been converted into a toddler bed). So far I've had to go into her room twice to have her get back in bed, but it's going much smoother than the last time we tried this. Esther got a Diego puzzle from her uncle Jerry and loves it. Most of the time she's pretty patient with figuring out where the pieces go.
A look back at 2015
9 years ago
Love your big girl Dora panties!!! Too bad they don't make little girl Diego panties... Meilyn has asked about them a few times when we are at the store. Way to go E!!!
We got Esther some Diego boy undies. She doesn't know they're for boys. Hee hee.
I've thought about just getting her some boy undies too! Glad I am not the only one!!!
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