Life keeps moving along at a steady speed. Although September seems so far away, Esther already has a spot at preschool, and it's the school we wanted. It's a co-op, which means I will be in the classroom one day a week and doing monthly education/parenting classes as well. It will do me good to "have" to be involved. Nana Carolyn came to visit earlier in the week. Esther decided hanging out in gloves was a must. Nana was a good sport.
Monday, March 30, 2009
An update for my faithful readers...all four of you.
Posted by Unknown at 9:56 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Some how time has gotten away from me.
Where does the time go? I swear I look up and another week has passed.
The last few days I been looking into preschool for Esther starting in the fall. School already? Being new to this whole thing, apparently I should have started my search in January (for Sept). Live and learn. I found a co-op that I really like, so hopefully we'll get a spot.
E has been enjoying gymnastics more and more lately. She's getting to know the teachers and kids better. She didn't even need me to go into the gym this last visit. I just watched her from the viewing window. Every once in a while she would run up and wave at me and say "hi, Mommy".
Time outs have become big in our house. Hitting is a major issue for Esther right now so she's been spending a lot of time on the time out pillow. Her hitting is only reserved for Mom and Dad (lucky us), but every once in a while she'll swat at Sydney, our cat. Esther often says after I have her apologize to me that hitting's "not the answer", but will do it again as soon as she's frustrated or mad at one of us. (If anyone has any suggestions about how to deal with hitting, I'd love to hear it!) Her new game to play is putting Dora into her own time outs.
I don't know when the "why?" phase starts, but Esther is in the "what's that?" phase. She uses it all the time, whether she knows what something is or not. And repeatedly.
I know it probably doesn't sound like it from all the above, but I'm really enjoying Esther right now. She's becoming more and more of her own person, and is very communicative. She understands so much and I really enjoy hanging out with her (most of the time). She is so awesome to watch with other kids. She's very compassionate and caring with them. So far, sharing is not an issue with her; she's happy to let others have their turn. self portrait
Posted by Unknown at 12:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Trains, hats, and coconut trees.
Gene's brother, Jason, gave Gene a hat when he was visiting. Esther calls it "Uncle Jashun's" hat and likes to sniff it. Apparently he smells pretty good.
Posted by Unknown at 7:29 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 01, 2009
I guess I should post something.
So much for child-proofing. Esther has pretty much figured out how to bypass any of my efforts to thwart her. She figured out how to open the pantry door (which now has a useless safety latch on it) and she likes to feed the cats. Sydney appreciates the heaps and heaps of food.
The other day when I took a shower, I put up her stools so she couldn't get into anything. But she still managed to get to my cell phone and our home phone. Gene got a call from E and talked to her for 2 1/2 minutes, all the time trying get an answer from her about where I was. All she would say is, "Where's Mommy?", so he tried dialing the home phone but couldn't get through because she was using that phone as well. Those who know Gene will probably guess what comes next. When I got out of the shower, I quickly confiscated the two phone and listened to the frantic message Gene left me; he was worried and he was on his way home to check to see if I was ok. He imagined that I was laying somewhere unconscious or hurt. Luckily, I caught him in time so he didn't have to miss much work.
I swear that girl is too smart for me!
Here's Miss Smarty-pants.
Posted by Unknown at 12:12 PM 2 comments