Tuesday, December 26, 2006

OK, here's the pictures to go with the last post...

Esther is funny when she's tired, she plays and plays then suddenly she's out. Yesterday morning (the 26th) we had to wait around the hotel room while our guides were completing our U.S. Consulate appointment. Esther got tired of waiting and zonked out on Daddy: Here's her first carousel ride:
The only way to travel:Gotta take a picture of the bamboo:
Hey, it's the Wagners...Jeremy is taking a picture of Stephanie and Meilyn (she's thirteen months:
Workers in the park taking their siesta (I think the U.S. should follow this example, but that's probably because I love sleeping):
Aww, look at that face:
She might be saying her "dadadadada" or "mamamama" here:
If you click on this one, you can see those cute dimples better:


Anonymous said...

Beautiful dimples! She's amazing! Love,

Anonymous said...

Our family just got larger and better because of Esther! We are so blessed. Love, Mom

P.S. I know it was a long wait, but judging by your faces - it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I can't wait to see her in person.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful dimples! Safe travels love n.b.